Thank you all for reading! 10 years of consistent weekly updates is a heck of a milestone! 🙂
I appreciate all your comments too! They always make me smile and it always makes me happy to know you guys are out there reading and enjoying the comics! ♥ Thank you all so much! ♥

In case you missed the update last week, I got a twitter and an instagram page for my puppy, Moxi! Her handle is @MoxiTheFoxi!
Feel free to follow if you want! I like to take photos and videos when I think she’s being extra funny or cute ♥

Like always, I wanna give a really big thanks to all my Patreon peeps! Thanks to everyone who supports the comic in any way. Through Patreon or just sharing the comic. It means a LOT to me and really keeps me going. ♥

Check out my fantabulous RedBubble store and see all my adorable things!

New page will be up next Monday! See you then! ♥
i love you guys, thank you for reading! ♥♥♥