Still been super duper duper distracted by puppy. I’ve had her for almost a month now. She’s learning so much but she still takes so much time out of my day to take care of her! Plus she still has parasites so she’s on medication for that and I have to wash everything super good all the time, so she can get better! Poor little girl. She still needs to work on “stay” a lot. I’m terrified of her running out of doors >_<

Anyways! Slowly getting back into work routine again. I hope I can get a lot more art done this week. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Really hope you like this week’s comic page!!!! ♥♥♥

Like always, I wanna give a really big thanks to all my Patreon peeps! Thanks to everyone who supports the comic in any way. Through Patreon or just sharing the comic. It means a LOT to me and really keeps me going. ♥

Check out my fantabulous RedBubble store and see all my adorable things!

New page will be up next Monday! See you then! ♥
i love you guys, thank you for reading! ♥♥♥