Happy Monday and new comic page day! I’ve got about 3 and a half weeks til my next show (Ft. Collins Comic Con!) and so I’m hoping to get ahead on some comic pages this week! I’ll be posting new Work In Progress and finished page up on my Patreon. I’m hoping to do a Patreon-only livestream of a comic page sometime this week! Those are always fun! 🙂
Hope you enjoy this newest page! Always looking forward to your awesome comments 😀 ♥
Your comments on last week’s page were all so wonderful. They gave me LIFE!
I have the most awesomest readers!
I hope you like this week’s new page too! ahahaha xD ♥
If you don’t wanna wait for new pages, please consider joining my Patreon! I’m planning on posting Page 450 WIP today, and fingers crossed the finished page goes up tomorrow!
Thank you all for reading! Page 443 will be up next Monday! SEE YA THEN! ♥
Been loving your comments SO MUCH!!! Thank you for being such awesomely awesome readers ♥
The drama continues this week! I very much hope you enjoy it!
I’m continuing to get ahead on pages for Chapter 9, that you can read on my Patreon. And this week I’ll be focusing a lot on prepping for Emerald City Comic Con and WonderCon! Will I be seeing you there? 😀
Thankfully, I made really good progress last week for my ECCC and Wondercon prep. Got lots of originals done, with lots to go, but I am in a good place… Two weeks left til it’s showtime! (Please let this week be just as productive!)
And stay tuned to my Patreon for new Chapter 9 pages this week too!
Hope you all enjoy today’s newest comic page! And I hope you have a lovely week! ♥
One week left to prep for Emerald City Comic Con!
and one page left in Chapter 8! OOOH BOY~!
If you’re going to ECCC this year, please stop by and see me!
I’ll be chillin at Artist Alley Table BB-5! 😀 ♥
Last page of Chapter 8! I think a lot of you could see where this ending was going. But I think Kick deserved a near full-page gut-punch of realization. *lol*
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!!! ♥
Check back here again on Friday for the reveal of the Chapter 9 title!
Unless you are my Patreon supporter, and then, you already know it! Plus are already reading pages for it! YAY! 😀
This week is Emerald City Comic Con!!!
Please stop by and see me at Artist Alley Table BB-5 and say HI VAL!!!
I’ve been preparing like crazy for this convention. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel ready, but, I think I am ready enough!
I really hope to see some of you there!
And later this month I’ll be at WonderCon! CONVENTIONS AHOY!
Thanks always for reading! Lots of love to you all! ♥
This flashback is a little bit of a blast from the past. Like…. Chapter 4!!! Which was like a million years ago!
Had a good time this week doing a few short livestreams on Twitch! Might try to do another one this week! We’ll see if I can get my iPad to cooperate with me!
I got a lot of the Volume One Kickstarters mailed out last week! And lots more will be going out this week too! So backers, keep yer eyes peeled! Planning on spending the majority of this week focusing on some of the commission works for those! ♥
Thanks always for reading! Hope you have a good Monday and I hope you enjoy today’s page! Lot’s o’ love! ♥♥♥