I missed last week! I’m so sorry! I haven’t missed an update in like… forever! Just got way too busy cuz of SDCC! Just ran out of time!
So… sorry about the delay! Hope you enjoy the new page!
Thanks always for reading! 🙂

I also post Mystery Babylon on Webtoons! I’ve started posting older pages from the beginning and I’m updating there every Thursday. If you use Webtoons, I would love it if you liked and subscribed to me there! It would help me out so much! ♥

Thank you always for reading!I really hope you enjoy today’s comic page!

Like always, I wanna give a really big thanks to all my Patreon peeps! Thanks to everyone who supports the comic in any way. Through Patreon or just sharing the comic. It means a LOT to me and really keeps me going. ♥

Check out my fantabulous RedBubble store and see all my adorable things! 🙂

New page will be up next Monday! See you then! I love you and thank you again for reading! ♥♥♥